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Newsletter UPDATE - April 2022

Bloomington Kink

Our first slosh back was a success!

We had first timers & slosh veterans alike, with over 30 folks in total attendance over the evening. As we spent our time outside, the open mic comedy event didn't impact us. Hopefully that continues, but if it doesn't, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Right now, the weather gods are predicting clear skies for the 19th, so with all luck, we'll be able to enjoy the slosh outdoors again.

Our NEXT slosh will be: Tuesday April 19th | from 7pm-11pm

(Yes - we are resuming our every-other-Tuesday slosh schedule!)

But wait...there's MORE!

Starting in MAY, Bloomington Kink will be re-starting a monthly event specifically open to folks who are 18 or older. But before we can make plans, we need your feedback. The survey we sent out earlier this month, closes THIS Thursday, April 14th at 11:59pm. So if you haven't done so already, please take a minute to fill in our survey & help us curate more Bloomington Kink events.

That's all for now folks!

Stay consciously kinky, Singe~

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