Somehow it's already February! We have 2 sloshes this month, and our first slosh falls on Valentine's day. So naturally our themed slosh is going to have to be:
Happy Valen-ties!
This will be just like a normal slosh, but there will be the very casual "theme" around Valentine's day. As always, no pressure to participate, and please feel free to bring food and/or games!
News! We're aiming to get our 18+ Sips going late February/March, so we've got a super short survey for you to fill out, to help us get it scheduled. ~ Survey for planning our Sip ~ Are you new to kink, or has it been awhile since you've been out to an event?
Check out our: Quick guide to attending community events Stay consciously kinky, Singe~
Bloomington Kink: SLOSHES (21+) 7pm-11pm Tuesday, Feb 14th: BK Slosh - Theme: Happy Valen-ties! Tuesday, Feb 28th: BK Slosh - Feb 28th Location: Serendipity Martini Bar (upstairs) Address: 201 S College Ave