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Bloomington Kink

Slosh Location Update for July 19th

Hey y'all!

Our next slosh, Tuesday, July 19th will be held at:

(aka old Bullwinkles from back in the day) on the corner of 4th & College Ave

To avoid the extreme heat, or moving back & forth between venues, I've spoken with Serendipity Martini Bar, and while they are normally closed on Tuesday's, they are specifically opening their upstairs Martini Bar for us on the 19th.

This will be our first time in their space, so this is a trial run to see if we're mutually a good fit. I.E. If it's a good & comfortable space for us, AND if they make enough money on drink sales from us, to make it worth it for them to be open. Fingers crossed on both counts!

They don't currently have a mocktail menu, but they would be open to having one in the future if things mesh well for us there.

While they will officially be open to the public (as in, the front doors will be unlocked), they are not advertising that, so the chances are that it will solely be kinksters in attendance.

Accessibility Info: While the front doors are on the ground level, the building is split level once you enter. Meaning there is a short flights of stairs (to the right) to go up into the Martini Bar space. On the Martini Bar level, there are stall bathrooms as well as a large accessible bathroom.


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